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Micro Planner Xpert

Micro Planning International

Micro Planing International is a full-service project management softwarecompany. We are able to offer perceived solutions to real problems intoday's corporate environments. Our OPM (Organizational Projectmanagement) approach allows us to provide training, consultation, and oursoftware as tools to manage simple or complex company wide projects.For almost 20 years, Micro Planning has been helping managers,developers, engineers, etc., lay out well-defined planned projects andaccomplish them on-time and on-budget. The combination of our projectmanagement methodology, training, and our software tools puts us farahead of out competition (i.e., the likes of AutoPlan II and MicrosoftProject). Project management is all we do, all we have done, and all weplan to do. Our sophisticated software solution is comprised of a high-end product, Micro Planner X-Pert, and a mid-range product, Micro PlannerManager.X-Pert is designed to track large projects or for many projects of alarge corporation. X-Pert supports up to 15, operations, 100 subprojects, 500 resources, and unlimited interfaces between projects.Organizations faced with multiple co-existing projects must be able toeffectively coordinate the work of cross functional teams. X-Pertprovides task splitting which allows resources to be realisticallyoptimized between projects and a Merge option to load in independentproject files for cross project resource analysis.Manager is designed to track medium to small sized projects (for theindividual project manager). Manager supports up to 1,500 operations, 100sub projects and 250 resources.X-Pert and Manager can be used independently or can be combined toprovide a total Organiza- tional Project Management (OPM) solution. BothManager and X-Pert offer complete file compati- bility between theirMacintosh, UNIX, and Windows versions for enterprise wide multi-platformproject management.For more information, please call 800-852-7526 or e-mail us or better yet, view our home page at

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.0,2.3,2.4,2.5

Micro Planning International
3801 E Florida Ave Suite 507
Denver, CO 80210
Phone: (303) 757-2216
        (800) 852-7526
Fax: (303) 757-2047